Sunday, May 12, 2019

Civilty should be more than a 7 letter word........

   In the words of the iconic Bob Dylan, “the times, they are a changing.” One only needs to watch the nightly news or pick up a local newspaper to understand that civility, respect and personal character are things of the past. The concept of being a 'positive role model' and someone to be looked up to and respected has given way from the bullies slugging it out on the school playgrounds, except that today, the playgrounds have become the Hall of Congress, the Presidential debate stages or the West Wing of the White House.
   Now don't get me wrong. I am not perfect like some of those around me as they would proclaim. There have been times when I have privately used inappropriate language when I have been angry or upset. On occasion, being angry or upset may not be a bad thing. It's how one handles the anger and frustration that demonstrates a person's true character. But this new found 'freedom for the use of vulgar language and personal insults directed at others, as far as I am concerned, has moved outside the boundaries. I don't like it and I don't like listening to it. And that's my own personal opinion.
   In particular, I am referring to the vulgar choice of words and the childish mockery used by the person who is said to be now leading our country. Isn't that being a role model for children? For anyone? It will be very difficult for a teacher, a parent of past generations to ever discipline a student again because the new standard has been set by the person leading and governing our country. As the young child proclaims in the principal's office or at the dinner table, (if families still sit down to dinner together any more) “if it's OK for the President to use those words, it's OK for me.” What a great role model!

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