Saturday, October 14, 2017

What shall I have for breakfast today?

   The sun peaks between the curtains in the bedroom window. It's another day. A new beginning. The first question, after a quick trip to the bathroom of course, is 'what to have for breakfast.' Trying to watch my weight, it's not going to be Frosted Flakes or some large cinnamon breakfast pastry. Yogurt again?
   After pouring myself a cup of coffee (no cream or sugar), do I want to watch the news on TV, read the morning paper, or read a few more chapters of the latest novel I started? Opting to read the newspaper, I usually go the the 'Horoscopes' first. While I generally do not allow them to determine the kind of day I might have, often they do provide some insight.
   On this particular day I am warned that it will be a day “filled with questions that may require difficult or elusive decisions, potentially effecting the next couple of days ahead.”
   Every day we are confronted with the need to make decisions, some of them very important, ones that could have a powerful impact upon life. As humans, we are generally very bad at making decisions and choices, especially when it comes to the 'big ones.'
   The process of making a big, difficult decision can cause sleepless nights, fear and regret for making the wrong decisions, or just not knowing the potential outcomes of the choices we make.
   Most of the decisions we make on a daily basis occur without really even thinking about them. What to have for breakfast or what to wear to work do not require a great deal of thought, unless you have a job interview and what you wear may have some degree of important. Does this tie really match my sport coat?
   As a child, many of the decisions that effect our lives are made by parents or older brothers and sisters. “If you tell mom or dad about the party, I'll kill you.” But I'm too young to die!
   The first important decision most face is...”What do you want to be when you grow up?”  How do I know? I can't even cross the street by myself yet and now I have to decide on a job or career. Whatever!
   Over time we do learn how to make decisions and we discover that there are really only two things to consider, 'you' and the process you use. It is at this point that things sometimes fall apart.
   The 'you' part is pretty simple. If you are having a good day, the decisions made may work out well, but a bad day may lead to much different results. Under pressure or stress? It probably is not a good day to make that all important decision. Let your body be your guide. Quite simply, how do you feel?
   In general, good moods often equal good decisions,  while bad moods...
   The second thing to consider is the process to use. Some people use intuition, others may take a more rational or organized approach, such as laying out a decision tree or map or use the Ben Franklin model, consisting of a piece of paper with two columns, one  labeled 'pro', the other 'con'. Worked for him.
  Some thoughts about making good decisions? First. Listen to instincts, but don't let them be the boss. Next. Try to look at all the alternatives. Third. If you have a bit of time on your side, separate yourself from the emotions of the moment. Distance gives perspective. Fourth. By not making a decision, you are, in actually, making a decision. You are deciding not to decide. Not a good idea if you are seeking an outcome of some kind.

   So,  what to have for breakfast today? Instead, I think I'll just go back to bed and try to catch an extra minutes of sleep.