Saturday, July 8, 2017

Making a case for who to 'believe' and 'trust'

   If you are feeling a bit disenfranchised with this year's politics so far, you are probably not alone. Many that I talk with have become discouraged and fed up,  not only with the behavior of some of the people in  office, but the media as well. There was a time in history when  the political process was a time when people would get excited and energized, wave banners and straw hats, and when a good healthy discussion fostered challenging  debates and dialogue. Now it just seems to be constant bickering and arguing.
   There was a time when you would listen to those we elected as representatives and  'believed' what they were saying and 'trusted' that it was the truth. Those days may long be gone and in part, we have no one to blame but ourselves. We want to know “all the dirt.”
   The words 'trust' and 'believe' often get used interchangeably. Trust can be  defined as a confidence in the honesty and reliability of another person. Belief is defined as accepting something to be true such as someone's words or actions.
   As you listen to the elected officials speak about themselves and each other, who do you believe? Who should you believe? ( Yes Governor Le you really lie to the press?) Have we lost sight of a foundations of the core principles of personal honesty and integrity making it difficult to decide? Why have we become a society skeptical of a man or woman's word. Perhaps it is because too often actions have spoken louder than words. There is an old expression that as I say and not I.did!
   One of the factors that may seem to move us farther and farther from the truth is the result of the huge amounts of money that are spent by the political parties. It may be the new 'golden rule'. “He who has the gold... rules.” Unfortunately, there are some good people, many who are folks just like you and me, who would be excellent people to lead but lack the financial resources to 'get into the race'.
   The media now plays a much bigger (huge) role in the political process as it seeks 'to vet'  people of past indiscretions and actions.  Any person naive  enough to think some past acts or action can remain hidden and still decides to run for elected office needs to find a 'bridge for sale'...... somewhere. Perhaps that bridge should be the bride to nowhere. Good people sometime do crazy things. We all make mistakes and wish there were some things we could do over. “Fess up” and move forward. Learn from  mistakes.

   It may be those people, honest right from the beginning, we can  come to “believe and trust” and those will get my support. We all make mistakes!

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Who will speak for me?

   Most of the time when I sit down to write, I have a pretty good idea about the topic or what I want to say. There may have been a recent event, a funny experience or an interaction with someone that triggers some thoughts to share. This week, hover, my mind seems to be working overtime, with a number of thoughts and ideas and it has been difficult to focus on just one topic.
   In suppose I could write about the President and a new use for duct tape. But quite frankly, I am tired of all the attention he receives when he just can't seem to keep his mouth shut. It's not the responsibility of the duct tape to control what comes out of his mouth.
   On a sporty note, I could write about the Red Sox and the hope of the team making it to the playoffs. When your favorite team is in the thick of the race, it can get pretty exciting. Sorry Yankees, it doesn't look like this year...but then stranger things have happened. 
   The news in recent weeks has been consumed with endless amounts of bad to terrible news, in particular the events in Syria. I am unable to understand who and why such things occur. The pictures on television of the dead or dying children, the results of the chemical warfare inflicted upon their own people is beyond understanding. What is even more troubling is the inability of other nations around around the world either not willing or reluctant to do anything. But that raises the question...”What can be done?”
   From the beginning of time, I would assume nations, countries and people have used 'war' to solve their problems, foster their causes and control their people. Even the United States has not been immune to such actions.
   For example one only needs to go back to the Civil War the fight to free the slaves of this country as an example. The results? Hundreds were killed and in some cases the struggle for equality still continue to this day.  Again the question remains...”What was gained?”
   World War II, Korea, Vietnam, the Middle East Conflict(s) should serve as reminders to the usefulness and value of wars and military conflicts. But too so we forget. And in the 21st century, the tools of war are even more dangerous than the early Revolutionary War rifles or the simple grenade being thrown into a foxhole. Science and technology, man's ability to greater new and more powerful means of mass destruction have moved us into a new world of terror. The scares of the children's faces are the new scare of the world's  society.
   In 1946 as the world struggled with the World War II, a minister by the name of Martin Niemoller is credited with writing a poem. Since his initial writing, it has seen several adaptations to the wording in the original version, but the message beneath the words is still the same:
                     “First they came for the communists and I did not speak out because I was                   not a communist.
                       Then they came for the socialist, and I did not speak out because I was not a socialist.
                     Then they came for the trade unionists and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a trade unionist.

                      Then they came for me, and there was no one left to speak for me.”