Sunday, October 7, 2018

Remember when Columbus Day was actually a holiday?

"What captain sailed the ocean blue in the long hot summer of 1492"
For those of you you remember this little limerick, we would repeat this in class to remind us of Christopher Columbus and the founding of America. Well, for those who have forgotten, tomorrow is Columbus Day......But recently I did a bit of research and have found that the story of Columbus is 'fake news' put out there by the 'deep state' of the far left and the far right to be used as a distraction to other important events that were taking place or would soon take place.
According to the more recent reports, when Columbus docked his boat at the vacation club in Florida or somewhere down there, with a rather large expansive golf course by the way, he was greeted by two Republican Senators, a Charles Chuck Grassley and a Mitch Mcconnell . Both had already been working on the nomination of a person to the supreme court of the land, a young fellow, who had not even been born yet. As a reward for keeping his real discovery a secret, the two promised Columbus they would name a city after him, somewhere in Ohio I think.
Well we know how the story ends, but my sense is there may be more to come.
For those with the day off tomorrow...enjoy.

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