Saturday, November 25, 2017

Life begins at 40 and other 'pearls of wisdom' for living....


Each morning we get up and navigate our way through another day of work or play. But what really drives our actions, those beliefs that serve as our guide post and inspiration? Are they taught to us by our our parents, our religious or spiritual beliefs or are they some common sense set of standards that become part of our every day life?

Each day we are bombarded with 'pearls of wisdom' from those around us, those brief one liners that sometimes brings a smile to our face or a message to the heart. Here are  a few  that you may have heard.

I begin with a Maine  classic. “If it aint't broke, don't fix it!” It is quite apparent that this old adage has been rejected by many who run our government as it appears their primary purpose is to find something to fix, and if they can't, they make something up.

“Today is the first day of the rest of your life.” Well of course it is! If it were not, it would be yesterday. Right?

When my daughters were younger and dating, prior to leaving the house I would warn them “ the night has a thousand eyes.” Very simple. “There could be someone out there who knows who you are.” There were times I knew about things even before they got home.

“It's not over 'til the fat lady sings'. Now I know there is a musical reference here, probably the opera. But I think the meaning  is that it's not over until it's over. Sounds a bit like Yogi Berra, don't you think?

Many people get very upset when they make  mistakes. “Making mistakes can mean that you are learning faster.” The key here, however, is that we learn from  mistakes. The definition of stupidity is said to be “ doing the same thing over and over the same way, hoping for a different result.”

There are several 'pearls' that fall into a common category. “Into one's life some rain must fall.”  Each day does not always begin sunny and warm. Once and a while we may be given  a bowl of lemons. What to do? “Make lemonade!” Life gives us choices and opportunities. We can either choose to act or not.  Remember, however, that by not making a choice, in reality, you are making a choice.... not to choose.

I overheard some recent high school graduates talking. One commented that he wished he could predict the future,  then he would know what courses to take in college. To my surprise, the other responded by saying that the best way the predict the future was to create it!” Wow, I was impressed. Now there was a true young philosopher or maybe he remembered what his mother had told him..

So if life truly begins at 40, were the first 39 years just practice?  Is the beginning of wisdom really 'silence'? Should you listen before you speak? Is it sometimes better to “do nothing''? Is 'true wealth not how much money you have, but how you live your life'?

By stringing some of these pearls together, you can make yourself a very nice necklace and in the process, live a pretty good life.

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